The White Wood Tourism Object Is Guarded By The Police
In order to maintain the Kamtibmas situation in the assisted villages and to always be in the midst of the community, the Bhabinkamtibmas of Tua Village Aipda I Putu Indrabuana, - Marga Police - Tabanan Police, on Friday 19 May 2023 conducted a door to door system (DDS) with visited several places at Tua Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency. One of them is the eucalyptus tourist attraction in Banjar Bayan, Old Village.
With permission from the Head of the Tabanan Police Resor AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes S.H., S.I.K, M.H., The head Marga Sector Police AKP I Wayan Suta Arcana S.H, explained that "the activities carried out by Bhabinkamtibmas Desa Tua are a concrete manifestation of the implementation of the duties of Bhabinkamtibmas as the spearhead of the National Police being the front guard in maintaining security and order in village," explained Kapolsek Marga
Kapolsek Marga also said that "at the white Wood tourist attraction, Bhabinkamtibmas has made an appeal
Kamtibmas for tourists who come to visit do not do things that are contrary to the customs and culture in Bali, especially in the area of white Wood tourist attractions. Tourists are prohibited from taking nude photos or taking photos without clothes in these places. Likewise, when entering a tourist area, you must comply with the applicable regulations," he said
"We also urge guides or tour guides to provide explanations to tourists about this, namely to always respect the norms and customs and culture that apply in Bali. Let's keep Bali safe and comfortable, and selectively accept tourist visits in areas where holy places like temples or other sacred places," concluded the Kapolsek Marga
(Tabanan Police Public Relations)